Category Archive: Family

A Rare Moment

This morning my mother and I had one of our rare “mother-daughter moments.” Turns out she gave me some really good advice about the current situation I’ve been going through. I pretty much… Continue reading

Gone, But Not Forgotten

I recently had a friend who passed away and it still doesn’t quite seem real. It’s always weird when someone you were just talking to fine one week, is gone the next. Seeing all… Continue reading


 I can remember being in fourth grade writing an essay on why I thought my grandmother should be president of the United States. My grandmother is a real life superwoman.  I love this woman to… Continue reading

Importance of Setting a Good Example unto Others

I went to my church’s youth night for the first time, and I can truly say I’ve never seen a group of young people who minister so well through their various presentations. Seeing… Continue reading