HIS WILL, will be done

At one point, I almost thought about giving up on my blogs. The reason being, I would write a blog about something I was going through, know what I should do and yet fail to do better.  I’m not always good at following my own advice. So I thought, well how can I say all these things, if I obviously was doubting them myself?

However I’ve realized that when I write these blogs it’s not about me.  It’s about putting the experience out there for others who may be going through the same thing. The blogs are bigger than me. It’s really about me putting God’s word out there. I don’t know who reads my blogs & what they may take away.  But I may have a testimony someone needs to hear and if I don’t put it out there, then it won’t be heard. Good or bad.  God has a reason for everything and despite my failures HIS WILL, will be done.