Not “That Kind of Girl”: A Blog Series…

Not that kind of girl is a series of blog post I will be writing about the different roles that young women tend to play in their lives. At some point we’ve all been or seen “that girl.” You guys know what I’m talking about..“that girl.”  The one who sleeps around,  the girl with low self-esteem, the girl who’s been abused, the girl who doesn’t feel loved, the girl who settles for less, the girl who feels trapped in an unhealthy relationship, the girl who defines herself based on relationships with guys. Now you know..“that girl.”

In a series of post I will post the description of each role and basically some ways to overcome being that kind of girl. In presenting ways on how not to become that kind of girl I’m going to include scriptures that help women realize that we must be the woman God wants us to be. We don’t have to live our lives and play these “roles”. We should be allowing God to make us into who he wants us to be. God has a greater purpose for all our lives and I want women to realize this as they read each post.

Maybe you’ve been “that girl” (I know I have), or maybe you’ve seen someone else play that “role,” but either way I’m hoping the posts will produce some valuable lesson and connections on levels beyond just the words. I want people to read these posts and walk away with something valuable to their own lives, or even be able to share the information with others. Also in doing this series of blogs I’m challenging myself to become a better woman. This advice just isn’t for others, it applies to me as well. I know for a fact there are a few roles that I’ve played and I’m currently playing and I’m not too proud of it. I’m realizing that God is grooming me to not only become someone great, but to be the great person for someone else in my life down the road. I want to be the best woman I can be when the time comes, and I know the only way I’ll be prepared is if I allow God to groom me and be open to the process.

COMING SOON: Not that Kind of Girl: The Girl with Low Self-Esteem